The White Mountain Apache Crown Dancers from Whiteriver, Arizona, will be featured at the Spirit of Nations Powwow on Saturday, March 23, at Jefferson County High School in Dandridge.
The group is led by Joe Tohonnie, Jr., who was born and raised on the White Mountain Apache reservation in the Whiteriver community of north central Arizona. Tohonnie, who is Apache and Navajo (Dine’), has drawn inspiration from his culture – learning both Apache and Navajo songs.
Tohonnie’s beautiful performances have brought him recognition, not only among traditional communities, but to the general public with two Grammy nominations.
Dr. Mark Finchum, president of Indian Creek Productions, Inc., sponsor of the powwow, said, “We are so excited to bring this amazing performance to Jefferson County. The White Mountain Apache Crown Dancers performed at the Olympics. Now they are coming here.”
The powwow hours are 10 am to 6 pm, with the Grand Entry at noon. Performances by the White Mountain Apache Crown Dancers are planned for approximately 11 am and 2 pm.

Jefferson County High School is located at 115. W. Dumplin Valley Road, Dandridge, TN, 37725. Admission is $7 for adults and $2 for children. There is no charge for preschoolers. Veterans and active- duty military personnel are admitted free also.
More information is available at or on the Indian Creek Productions Facebook page. Specific questions can be directed to