White Pine Town Hall
- 1548, Main Street, White Pine South, White Pine, Jefferson County, East Tennessee, Tennessee, 37890, United States
- whitepinetn.gov
- (865) 674-2557
Good Ole Boys Golf Carts
- 434 Highway 92 South, Dandridge, TN
- http://gobgolfcarts.com
- (865) 262-0012
River Glen Equestrian
- 1834 London Road, New Market, TN
- https://www.river-glen.com
- (865)-805-0848
Haun Family Farm
- 1843 Carl Lohren Way, Dandridge, TN
- (865) 216-6617
Shepard Inn
- 136 E. Main Street, Dandridge, TN
- https://www.shepinn.com
- (865) 397-2345
Hickory Ridge
- 1491 Chestnut Hill Road, Dandridge, TN
- https://www.hickoryridgevenue.com
- (865) 375-5466
Sunflower Barn Wedding Venue
- 1686 Hwy. 139, Dandridge, TN
- https://www.sunflowerbarntn.com
- (865) 361-2114
The Carriage House
- 895 Sellers Road, Jefferson City, TN
- thecarriagehousetn.com
- (865) 690-0831
The Dahlia Event Studio
- Hinchey Hollow Road, Jefferson City, TN
- https://www.yourdahlia.com
- 865-387-0791
The Occasion at Dandridge
- 1237 Gay Street, Dandridge, TN
- https://www.dandridgebrewingcompany.com/
- (865) 566-8656
The Pioneer Pointe
- 1806 W Dumplin Valley Road, New Market, TN
- https://www.thepioneerpointe.com
- 417-270-7355
Meadowbrook Farm
- 1003 Hwy. 113, White Pine, TN
- https://meadowbrookfarmvenue.com
- (865) 335-9931
Toro Mexican Grill
- 1208 State Street
- https://www.torowhitepine.com/home
- (865) 674-0649
Twin Dragon Hibachi
- 157 E. Broadway Blvd
- twin-dragon-hibachi-express.business.site
- (865) 471-2889
White Pine Pizza 2
- 3114 Circle Drive
- https://www.facebook.com/whitepinepizzatn
- (865) 674-8488
Millstone Restaurant and Country Store
- 1531 E US-25W #70
- millstone-restaurant.com
- (865) 397-2254
Patriot Wood Fired Pizza
- 2004 Branner Avenue
- https://patriot-wood-fired-pizza.square.site
- (865) 924-7776